Vinci Clinic
A place where 35 years of clinical experience combines with youth, passion, talent and knowledge
If you’re looking for a trustworthy dentist, we invite you to Vinci Clinic! We combine more than 35 years of professional experience of the clinic’s founder, doctor Tomasz Maria Kercz, with the enthusiasm, willingness to improve qualifications and passion in exploring all areas of dentistry of our younger doctors. Following the example of Leonardo da Vinci, we strive for perfection, and we care not only about preserving the proper function of the masticatory organ, but also about esthetics and beauty. Dentist in Lodz? The choice is simple – Vinci Clinic!
Our services
Health requires a state of balance between environmental influences, way of life and elements of human nature
Our services
We will ask you for detailed information about your health during our first appointment. On this basis, we will be able to choose the most effective treatment method.
We examine
Before treatment starts, we always carry out an interview and perform a physical examination. We use a variety of diagnostic methods to properly define your specific problems.
We plan
The next step is to create a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your needs and abilities, both in terms of time and budget.
We treat
We believe in a holistic approach to each patient. Our team includes different specialists who – in many cases – make decisions concerning further therapeutic steps together.
Meet our team

Tomasz Maria Kercz, Ph.D.
clinical team leader
A dentist by education, vocation and inner compulsion (some people consider him an incurable workaholic), passionately practicing his profession for almost 40 years. Member of the Pierre Fauchard Academy (USA) and active member of the Polish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. My dental studies – which I did in late 1970s and early 1980s, so in […]
- Academic teacher (AM Łódź) – 1985–1995
- Doctor of Medical Sciences of the Medical University of Lodz (dysfunctions of the masticatory system using various diagnostic methods) – 2000
- Founder and editor-in-chief of – since 2000
- Founder and editor-in-chief of the e-Dentico magazine – 2004–2019
- Originator and scientific director of the Asysdent conference – since 2014
- Member of the prestigious Pierre Fauchard Academy (USA) – since 2016
- Active member of the Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry – since 2017
- Member of the “Smile Together – Let’s smile together” foundation – since 2019
- Author and co-author of over 30 scientific publications
Magdalena Maria Kercz DDS M. Sc
I was interested in dentistry already in high school. I even studied it half a year longer because of my continuing education at a university in the Netherlands through the Erasmus program. Then I became convinced that we shouldn’t have any complexes, and we can be proud of the level of dentistry in our country.
I did my internship at Vinci Clinic among doctors and specialists who are passionate about their work. It was extremely intense, but at the same time interesting and valuable in terms of a holistic view for the patient. Moreover, I acquired good habits of comprehensive treatment, which is extremely significant to a young doctor. To meet the challenges and match the best, I spent hundreds of hours in training and post-graduate studies at home and abroad. Among other things, I completed a one-year course at Dawson Academy (USA) and studied in Luxembourg (University for Digital Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry) where I obtained the title of Master of Science in Periodontology and Implantology. The knowledge and skills gained there allow me to solve complex problems and treat dysfunctions of our patients’ masticatory organ in a comprehensive manner.
Anna Maria Kercz DDS
My adventure with dentistry began when I started my studies at the Medical University of Lodz in 2008. Five years later – already a dentist – I would discover more and more aspects of dentistry with each new patient. I need to admit that dentistry wasn’t my “love at first sight”. However, the more I got to know it, the more I appreciated the possibilities it can offer patients, combined with modern technology.
From the very beginning, I was fortunate to work with passionate people in my profession and this is how my love and passion for dentistry also started to mature. To meet the challenges and match the best, I spent hundreds of hours in training and post-graduate studies at home and abroad (among others Dawson Academy, USA). Thanks to the experience gained at our clinic and meeting with the visionaries of dentistry around the world, I’m guided by a holistic approach to the patient in my work today. Therefore, all my prosthetic reconstructions, including overlays, inlays, onlays, veneers, always respect the rules of occlusion and ensure the proper function of the entire masticatory organ. When planning comprehensive treatment, we often make therapeutic decisions as a team. The Invisalign system, which I discovered a few years ago, complemented my knowledge and allowed me to take even more care of the patient’s beautiful smile but – to an equally large extent – of the optimal function of the stomatognathic system. Owing to Invisalign technology, exceptionally good treatment results give my patients and me personally great satisfaction.
Łukasz Zadrożny, DDS, PhD, MoD
A long-time employee of the Medical University of Warsaw – currently an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Propaedeutics and Dental Prophylaxis. As the Guest Faculty of Oral Implants, he is also associated with the Australasian College of Dental Practitioners in Sydney, Australia. Participant of foreign internships at universities: University Santiago de Compostela in Spain and Semmelweis in Budapest, Hungary. In 2022, as part of the NAWA scholarship, he participated in a research at The University of Melbourne, Australia and was appointed as a Honorary Staff Member at Periodontics in the Melbourne Dental School.
He actively cooperates scientifically with centres from Australia, Italy, Israel, South Korea and the USA. Member of the Board of the Digital Section of the Journal of Dentistry and the Polish edition of Implants, International Magazine of Oral Implantology. Reviewer in journals such as Journal of Dentistry, Journal of Oral Implantology, International Journal of Computerized Dentistry, Journal of Clinical Medicine. He is an active member of the Digital Dentistry Society (DDS) and the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) and AIC Europe.
In 2018, he defended his doctorate in medical sciences with honours. Manager of two scientific grants of the Medical University of Warsaw and a scholarship of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship for doctoral students. Author of 40 scientific publications.
Key Opinion Leader AIC Europe and 3DII. International lecturer for companies such as Osstem and Ultradent.
Clinically, he deals with minimally invasive implantology and oral surgery.