Anna Maria Kercz DDS


My adventure with dentistry began when I started my studies at the Medical University of Lodz in 2008. Five years later – already a dentist – I would discover more and more aspects of dentistry with each new patient. I need to admit that dentistry wasn’t my “love at first sight”. However, the more I got to know it, the more I appreciated the possibilities it can offer patients, combined with modern technology.

From the very beginning, I was fortunate to work with passionate people in my profession and this is how my love and passion for dentistry also started to mature. To meet the challenges and match the best, I spent hundreds of hours in training and post-graduate studies at home and abroad (among others Dawson Academy, USA). Thanks to the experience gained at our clinic and meeting with the visionaries of dentistry around the world, I’m guided by a holistic approach to the patient in my work today. Therefore, all my prosthetic reconstructions, including overlays, inlays, onlays, veneers, always respect the rules of occlusion and ensure the proper function of the entire masticatory organ. When planning comprehensive treatment, we often make therapeutic decisions as a team. The Invisalign system, which I discovered a few years ago, complemented my knowledge and allowed me to take even more care of the patient’s beautiful smile but – to an equally large extent – of the optimal function of the stomatognathic system. Owing to Invisalign technology, exceptionally good treatment results give my patients and me personally great satisfaction.